Have you ever wished you had more choices for the
shape of preset thumbnails?--or have you used the EasyPalette's
"Try" button to test the look of your presets on an object only to
find the thumbnails revert to boring old rounds? Well, your
"trials" are over! Once you learn how easy it is to make
custom thumbs permanent, you'll have them sticking all the
. .
. Get Ready . . .
Start by experimenting
with shapes. In order to display your presets' attributes
clearly, you need to choose a shape or dingbat with broad surfaces
that will also fill a good portion of the thumbnail window.
After you've found your perfect shape, decide on a
complimentary background color. I've noticed the backgrounds
of my EP thumbs degrading with time: they get splotched with what
appear to be JPG artifacts. For this reason I'll choose black
if it's suitable--because if that color deteriorates, it
isn't visible! But if you really can't live without some
lovely hue, don't worry--you'll find the fix for it's fate further
on down the page.
Once you've decided on
the appearance you want, set up a new grouping in your Preset
Gallery as a convenience for temporarily holding your presets.
Other-click on your gallery, choose "New Group" and give it a
name. I cleverly called mine "Temporary."
If your preset gallery has a long list of groups like
mine does, you may want to use your mouse to relocate the new
group. Grab it by its name and drag it from the bottom of the
list to a more convenient location or to its place in alphabetical
. . . Get Set . .
Open a 300x300 canvas
in the workspace and draw your dingbat or shape with the appropriate
tool. Making it as big as the canvas will force PI to render
the thumbnail image as large as possible while making the thumbnail
frame as narrow as possible.
Be sure to set the background color on the
Color Palette to your preference. It won't matter what color
your canvas is. It also won't matter what color your object is
or if it's 2D or 3D--just be certain it's selected. Then go to
the EasyPalette folder tree and highlight the group of presets you'd
like to apply your shape to. Choose a grouping that contains
no more than about three dozen thumbnails--your computer might balk
at customizing a hundred at once!
On the EP's menu bar
click the down arrow just right of the hand with the sparkling
finger, then click "All Thumbnails." PI will whirr and spin
for a bit--depending on how many presets you have in your group and
how complex your chosen shape is. When it's finished, that
whole group of presets will be wearing new, albeit transitory,
. . . Go! . . .
Now here's the simple trick
that makes them stick! First scroll the EasyPalette tree to
ensure that your new group is visible, then highlight all your fancy
new thumbnails: click on the first one, scroll to the
last--then hold down "Shift" and click on the last one. Grab
the selected group with your mouse by clicking and holding the main
mouse button on one of the thumbs, then drag all the presets--that
pile of little white pages under your cursor--to the new group you
made and drop them there. This will cause PhotoImpact to ask
an impertinent question:

Duh? Just say No! PI will then
insert the dragged and dropped presets--custom thumbs and all--into
the new group's pane. You can leave them where they are or if
you want, while they're all still conveniently selected, you can
drag and drop them back into their original group or even add them
to some other group. This time PI won't say anything
dumb! Once you have your little beauties settled, click
somewhere in their pane to deselect and your thumbs are there to
stay! Farewell to fusty old orbs!
N.B. If you export that SMP, you
can choose to send your custom thumbnails with it. You can also
use this procedure to refresh any preset thumbnails that have begun to
look frazzled--simply re"try" and drag 'n' drop to redazzle! And
don't be afraid to mix as well as match. By highlighting
individual presets and using the EasyPalette's "Selected Thumbnails"
option instead of "All Thumbnails," you can customize each thumbnail
Have fun!
